The Thinking Therapist

Welcome to this first post of The Thinking Therapist Blog.

My intention is to think, talk, explore, offer support, educate. I'm a thinker and, weirdly, I'm both old and new in the field of therapy,
(See my "About Me" tab for more information), so I'm constantly learning - and learning about learning.

As I'm learning new skills and therapeutic approaches, I find myself in the interesting position of having a unique perspective of how the field and the approaches have changed over the last three+ decades. It's pretty fascinating.

I also intend to use this blog to support both The Secular Therapy Project (STP) and Freedom From Religion Foundation (FfRF), as well as any other excellent resources that I come across. I'll be looking for Humanist links, in particular, as time goes on...

Your comments and questions welcome.


* This blog is not intended as a substitute for therapy
   or other treatment and should not be considered so.
   Always seek help if you are suicidal or considering
   harming yourself or anyone else.
Please seek therapy and/or support when you need it.
   This blog is not a substitute for good therapy and treatment.


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